3 ways to Check IPO Result in Nepal
Only 3 ways to Check IPO Result in Nepal Now 3 Ways to Check IPO Result in Nepal: Investors can now view the results of any company's ordinary shares (IPO) only from the website of MeroShare, Sales Manager, and the company issuing the IPO. CDS and Clearing Limited (CDSC) Chief Executive Officer Purna Prasad Acharya said that the central depository system CDSC has instructed the capitalists not to distribute IPO results to private online media under the direction of the Nepal Securities Board. Earlier, even the private media used to publish the results of the IPO. Now, only IPO result sales managers, IPO issuing companies, and CDSC will get it. Three Method: From the Website of MeroShare (https://iporesult.cdsc.com.np) From the Website of IPO Sales Manager From the Website of IPO Issuing Compay Offical Notice of CDS and Clearing Ltd